Portal oficial del Gobierno de Puerto Rico. 
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logo de Study Puerto Rico letras y dibujo que representa la Garita del Morro en San Juan


Gobierno de Puerto Rico

An Educational Paradise

Puerto Rico is one of the most visited destinations in the Caribbean and it provides the opportunity to study in a dynamic academic system. It has the potential to become a destination that the world wants to visit, whether to do cultural, historical, gastronomic or ecological tourism, or to study or work.

Education of Excellence
Puerto Rico has an ample array of high-quality educational institutions, an incredible sports system and an artistic scene of excellence

El corazón
y alma del Caribe

Puerto Rico es el lugar donde el viejo mundo
y el nuevo se unen en una pequeña isla que
aún con ese tamaño ofrece un sinnúmero de
enriquecedoras experiencias.


En Puerto Rico contamos con una gran variedad de instituciones de alta calidad, un increíble sistema deportivo y una escena artística de excelencia.


Puerto Rico is one of the most visited destinations in the Caribbean and offers the opportunity to study in a dynamic academic system. It has the potential to be the destination that the world wants to visit, whether for cultural, historical, gastronomic, ecological tourism, studying or working.


Puerto Rico is the place where the old world meets the new world: a small island that offers countless rewarding experiences despite its size.


Puerto Rico has an ample array of high-quality educational institutions, an incredible sports system and an artistic scene of excellence.

About Us


Study Puerto Rico seeks to present Puerto Rican higher education to students from all over the world. We provide information, helping students to establish their study plan and make arrangements for their stay. We invite students to learn about the competitive benefits of studying in our tropical paradise, which offers a high-quality education, an affordable institution accredited in the United States, a bilingual experience, and the adventure of exploring the wonders that our island has to offer.


Why choose Puerto Rico?

In order to apply for admission, a high school diploma or its equivalent is required, as well as taking the college admission test, better known as the College Board.
More Information
We have a variety of aids that can benefit students who choose Puerto Rico as an academic destination and even those who wish to work at its institutions.
More Information
Puerto Rico has 41 Higher Education institutions (123 units) and 217 Vocational Technical Postsecondary Education units, which offer many programs in different areas of knowledge.

Últimas Noticias:

Enim praesentium sed aut cumque in aliquam.

Iure ea excepturi labore autem omnis non magni. I
Voluptates quia aliquid sunt est illo et odit doloremque dolores.

Excepturi debitis doloribus dolor ipsam distinctio c

Animi cupiditate recusandae totam nulla voluptatem consequatur
Voluptatem molestiae est laboriosam sed dolorem

Ipsam possimus unde est. Libero aut aut

Ipsum quis eveniet nihil atque tempora molestiae neque
Deleniti nam nihil eum laudantium quod aliquid nobis

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Ours Contributors

logo de discover Puerto Rico
Logo de compañia de turismos de Puerto Rico
Logo de la junta de instituciones
Escudo del departamento de estado
Logo oficial de la Agencia de Puerto Rico and Technology Services de Puerto Rico